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Operating system management

From this area, you can manage the operating system linked on a device template. Screenshot There is multiple default operating system provided with RemoteLabz.


The operating system can be hosted through a local image (link icon) or a link where RemoteLabz can retrieve the image (File icon).

Operating system creation

Once you've clicked on the new operating system button, you will be brought to a new screen. Screenshot from there you can choose it's parameters such as :

  • Name : the name of the new operating system
  • Image URL : The URL from where the image can be retrieved (link to a download server)
  • Image filename : the name of the local image.Use Upload an image file if not already exported ( local file).
  • Hypervisor: the hypervisor where the image will run.
  • Upload an image file : Select the image to be uploaded from your local computer ( local file).


You can only provide an image URL (link) or a file through the image file field, but not both !


A new operating system is generated when exporting a device through the sandbox menu.

Operating system edition

Once selected, you can also edit the Operating System's name through the edit button or delete it through the Delete button. Screenshot

Once you have pressed the edit button,you will be able to edit the Operating System through this screen.


Then click on the submit button to validate your changes.