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RemoteLabz's front update guide

Save your .env file

All configuration variables are saved in the file .env.local or if you don't have this file, in the file .env If you don't have a .env.local, save your .env to .env.local

sudo -u remotelabz cp .env .env.local
Check your server.conf of your openvpn. Some deprecated parameters can be replaced.

Update the code

cd /opt/remotelabz
git fetch
git pull


To choose a specific version :

git checkout tags/2.X.Y
or a branch
git checkout dev

Compare your .env.local file with the .env file to be sure we have the same parameters defined

sudo composer update
sudo yarn encore prod
sudo php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
sudo php bin/console cache:clear
sudo chown remotelabz:www-data * -R
sudo chmod g+w /opt/remotelabz/var -R
sudo chmod g+w /opt/remotelabz/public/uploads -R
sudo chmod g+r config/jwt/private.pem
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service remotelabz restart

Migration from 2.4.3 to 2.5.0 (dev version until version 2.5.0 is released)

The RabbitMQ configuration need to be modified to manage multiples workers.

sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags remotelabz-amqp administrator
sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
sudo rabbitmqadmin delete exchange name=worker

You have to do the following task :

cd /opt/remotelabz;
sudo chmod 664 config/packages/messenger.yaml;
sudo chown www-data:www-data config/templates;
sudo chmod 664 config/templates;
sudo mkdir backups;
sudo chmod 644 backups;
sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install tmux;

Migration from to

A new feature is introduce to define with protocol can be used to access to the console of the device : vnc, serial or login. So we have to add this protocol to each device. You can have many procotol to the same device. For example, we can use vnc to a qemu vm and a serial to do telnet on the serial line of the VM is the OS is configured.

The main usage is : - vnc for qemu VM - login for container lxc - serial for network device like firewalls, switchs, routers, ...

Migration from to

In your device, you have a device with the name "Migration". This container will be used to configure a new container, called "Service" to provide a DHCP service to each lab you will build.

First : in the sandbox, start the "Migration" device. In the console, configure the network of the device (show the log to know it) and next, type the following command :

apt-get update; apt-get -y upgrade; apt-get install -y dnsmasq;
echo "dhcp-range=RANGE_TO_DEFINED" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf;
echo "dhcp-option=3,GW_TO_DEFINED" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf;
systemctl enable dnsmasq;
Modify your /etc/sudoers file to add, at the end, the two following lines:
Cmnd_Alias REMOTELABZ_CMDS = /bin/systemctl start remotelabz*, /bin/systemctl stop remotelabz*, /bin/systemctl status remotelabz*


Migration from 2.4.0 to

To update from 2.4.0 to, on the worker, you have to :

sudo lxc-create -t download -n Migration -- -d debian -r bullseye -a amd64 --keyserver hkp://
Create a new device like in the following image : Screenshot In the Device Sandbox menu, click on the button "Modify" of the device "Migration" and start it (with button play). On the worker, a new container is created and started with an uuid name. You can find the uuid under the device name "Migration", like in the following image. Screenshot In this example, the uuid isa18d566a-6023-43df-a16e-4367065c5ecf and on the worker, with the command lxc-ls -f, we can see this container. Screenshot

Install in this container a dhcp server. The following example used the previous uuid.

sudo lxc-attach -n "a18d566a-6023-43df-a16e-4367065c5ecf"
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install dnsmasq
echo "dhcp-range=RANGE_TO_DEFINED" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
After, you can stop the container from the RemoteLabz interface and you have to export this modified device with the name "Service" Screenshot

A new operating system and device is created with the name "Service" but the name of the image of the operating system is wrong. It's "service_" following a date. You have to edit the Operating System called "Service" with the Edit button. Screenshot

Change the image filename "service_" to "Service" Screenshot

Now, you can create a new lab with this device to offer IPv4 addresses to all other device, with the DHCP server installed in this container. The IPv4 of the DHCP will be the (last IPv4 - 1). The last IP is always the gateway of your laboratory.


Migration from 2.3 to 2.4.0

To update from 2.3 to 2.4.0, you can add default image to all labs with the following command :

sudo find /opt/remotelabz/public/uploads/lab/banner/* -type d -exec cp /opt/remotelabz/public/build/images/logo/nopic.jpg {}/nopic.jpg \;
You also have to add all user in the default group if you want they can execute some basic labs