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Devices Sandbox and Export

The goal of the sandbox is to modify an existing VMs images on the RemoteLabz and then create a new Device and Operating System templates.

How to access

When you click on the menu `Device Sandbox, the route /admin/devices_sandbox is used. This function is only authorized to a user with an admin role.
This page is managed by DeviceSandboxController.
It retrieves all existing device templates in the system and pass it to the template to format the data. It also pass User information in the props for later
The view is described in templates/device_sandbox/index.html.twig.

The data are processed in React Component that are defined in assets/js/components/Sandbox/*

Sandbox Lab

In order to launch a Device we need to have it in a Lab. So if we want to modify an existing image (Device) we need to create a Lab and then add the Device that we want to modify.
All the process in order to achieve this is done in the React Component SandboxListItem and is made by calling the API.

When you click on Device Sandbox, the process follows the steps :

  • listing all existing labs
  • if you click on button Modify, a new lab is created with the name :
  • you have to start the device to modify it in this new lab. As soon as you starts the device, a new image is created on the worker filesystem
  • when you have finish to modify your device, you can stop it and click on the Export button
  • after type a name to your new device in the text area new name, when you will click on Export Device button, a new image will be created on the worker filesystem with the name typed in the text area. It creates also a new Operating system and new Device template.
  • you have to stop the lab and delete it if you have finish with your modification.

Creating Lab

First we create a new Lab with a call to the API and we get his object in return

await"/api/labs").then(response => {
    lab =
We wait the response of the API to continue.
Now we want to name our new Lab with an identifiable name in order to retrieve it later. The name will look like "Sandbox_USER-UUID_DEVICE-ID"
var labName = "Sandbox_" + this.props.user.uuid + "_" +;
var labObj = { id:, fields: {name: labName}};

Adding Device to Lab

When we call the API to add a Device to a Lab, it clone the Device passed and then add the clone to the Lab. The Device object passed contains the full definition of the Device and of its other attached entities like Flavor, OperatingSystem and NetworkInterfaces. In order to be compliant with the Device form the API we need to make somes changes to our actual Device and replace entities by their id.
After that we can push the Device to the Lab and wait that it process to continue.

device.flavor =;
device.operatingSystem =;
device.isTemplate = false;
device.networkInterfaces.forEach(element => networkInterfaces.push(;
device.networkInterfaces = networkInterfaces
await'/api/labs/' + + '/devices', device);

Creating and starting LabInstance

Now that we got our Lab we need to create and start an instance of it in order to start the Device. We call the API to create and start it with the User as Instancier

Remotelabz.instances.lab.create(lab.uuid, this.props.user.uuid, 'user');

Accessing the Lab

After this process, we can set the state 'exist' of the sandbox lab to 'true' to make the button 'Redirect' appears instead of 'Modify'. It will redirect the User to /admin/devices_sandbox/{lab-id}

Sandbox Lab view page

It takes the template of a Lab view page and we adjust it by removing not neccessary data (like Lab name, view_as options). Template can be found here templates/device_sandbox/view.html.twig

Export button

In this part, all the code is in InstanceListItem.js We want to export VMs so we need to add an export button with a text option (to name the new Device).
We only want to export the VM if it's stopped and come from a Sandbox Lab. The first button will toggle the form.

{(deviceInstance.state == 'stopped' && this.props.isSandbox) &&
    <div onClick={() => this.toggleShowExport()}>
    {this.state.showExport ?
        <Button variant="default"><SVG name="chevron-down"></SVG> Export</Button>
        <Button variant="default"><SVG name="chevron-right"></SVG> Export</Button>
toggleShowExport = () => {
    this.setState({ showExport: !this.state.showExport });
When the button is pressed, it will show a form that is managed by the React Component InstanceExport. We pass to the Component the actual deviceInstance that we want to export and the function that manage the exportation process.
{(deviceInstance.state == 'stopped' && this.state.showExport) &&
    <InstanceExport deviceInstance={deviceInstance} exportDeviceTemplate={this.exportDeviceTemplate} />
The function exportDeviceTemplate is making a call to the API endpoint /api/instances/export/by-uuid/ with the deviceInstance uuid and the new name of the new template.

Export Process


In order to export a Device, we need to make an API endpoint that is managed in InstanceController. It requires the deviceInstance UUID, to fetch the Object from the database, and a name. After that we can launch the process to create a clone of the Device and its Operating System.
The process is managed in InstanceManager by the function export.
In order to avoid conflicts in image name, we need to make it unique by adding current date and time plus an id.

now = new DateTime();
$imageName = transliterator_transliterate('Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [^A-Za-z0-9_] remove; Lower()', $name);
$id = uniqid();
$imageName .= '_' . $now->format('Y-m-d-H:i:s') . '_' . substr($id, strlen($id) -3, strlen($id) -1) . '.img';
Now that we got our unique image name we can send to the Remotelabz-Worker an export message with the labInstance and the new image name as data.

Next step is to clone the Device and its Operating System data. First we create a new OperatingSystem object with the name chosen by the User and the image name created just before. Then, we create a new Device object and copy data from the old Device except his name and OperatingSystem. After that, we can link the OperatingSystem to its new Device and apply changes in the database.

  • RemoteLabz-Worker

    Currently, the VMs are managed with QEMU. When a Device instance is created, it create a snapshot of the base image and save it into ./instances/{group|user}/{groupUUID|userUUID}/{labInstanceUUID}/{deviceUUID}/.
    In order to commit changes done in the SandboxLab Device we need to rebase the base image with this snapshot, but to not corrupt others snapshot that could exist we are gonna apply this to a copy of the base image. This is done in InstanceManager.php in the exportDeviceInstance function.

    The following commands are the 'template' command executed in the function

    cp image-source new-image
    cp snapshot new-snapshot
    qemu-img rebase -b new-image new-snapshot
    qemu-img commit new-snapshot
    rm new-snapshot
    The new image will be saved with the other base image, in /images/

React Component

  • SandboxManager

    This is the main component that is called by react_component in the template.
    There is only a call to SandboxList in it but was created for future usage / improvements.
    It send a list of Device and the User data to SandboxList.

  • SandboxList

    This component process the devices data (given in json format by the Controller ealier). For each Device it create a SandboxListItem and sends Device and User data to it.

  • SandboxListItem

    This is where the main process is done. It manage the 'state' of each device template.
    When the component is called, it is going to search if the Device as already a Sandbox Lab created for it and the User.
    If a Sandbox exist, it will show a button to redirect the User to the Device Sandbox Lab, otherwise It will show the 'Modify' button that will create the Sandbox instance.

  • InstanceExport

    It handle the export form.

New Endpoints

  • Web

    GET /admin/devices_sandbox          - HomePage of Sandbox
    GET /admin/devices_sandbox/{labId}  - Sandbox Lab page
  • API

    GET /api/instances/export/by-uuid/{uuid}?name=      - Export a sandbox device instance