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RemoteLabz's front update guide

Save your .env file

All configuration variables are saved in the file .env.local or if you don't have this file, in the file .env If you don't have a .env.local, save your .env to .env.local

sudo -u remotelabz cp .env .env.local

Update the code

cd /opt/remotelabz-worker
git fetch
git pull


To choose a specific version :

git checkout tags/2.X.Y
or a branch
git checkout dev

Compare your .env.local file with the .env file to be sure we have the same parameters defined

sudo composer update
sudo php bin/console cache:clear
sudo chown remotelabz-worker:www-data * -R
sudo chmod g+w /opt/remotelabz-worker/var -R
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service remotelabz-worker restart

From 2.4.3 and above to version 2.5.0

When you add a worker on the front, you have to add the following lines on the messenger.yaml file, in the part

            async: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%'
                dsn: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%'

        binding_keys: [Worker 1 IP]

From and above to version

You have to install ttyd package

sudo apt-get install -y screen build-essential cmake git libjson-c-dev libwebsockets-dev
cd ~
git clone
cd ttyd && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install

You have also to install some default container

sudo lxc-create -t download -n Migration -- -d debian -r bullseye -a amd64 --keyserver hkp://;
sudo lxc-create -t download -n Debian -- -d debian -r bullseye -a amd64 --keyserver hkp://;
sudo lxc-create -t download -n Ubuntu20LTS -- -d ubuntu -r focal -a amd64 --keyserver hkp://;
sudo lxc-create -t download -n Alpine3.15 -- -d alpine -r 3.15 -a amd64 --keyserver hkp://;
sudo su;
echo "nameserver" > "/var/lib/lxc/Migration/rootfs/etc/resolv.conf";
echo "nameserver" > "/var/lib/lxc/Debian/rootfs/etc/resolv.conf";
echo "No default login, please use Sandbox to configure a new OS from this" >> "/var/lib/lxc/Debian/rootfs/etc/issue";
echo "No default login, please use Sandbox to configure a new OS from this" >> "/var/lib/lxc/Ubuntu20LTS/rootfs/etc/issue";
echo "No default login, please use Sandbox to configure a new OS from this" >> "/var/lib/lxc/Alpine3.15/rootfs/etc/issue";
echo "nameserver" > "/var/lib/lxc/Alpine3.15/rootfs/etc/resolv.conf";

echo "%remotelabz-worker     ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: $(which ip), $(which iptables), $(which ovs-vsctl), $(which systemctl) start remotelabz*, $(which systemctl) stop remotelabz*, $(which systemctl) restart remotelabz*, $(which systemctl) status remotelabz*" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/remotelabz-worker
echo "%www-data     ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: $(which ip), $(which iptables), $(which ovs-vsctl), $(which systemctl) start remotelabz*, $(which systemctl) stop remotelabz*, $(which systemctl) restart remotelabz*, $(which systemctl) status remotelabz*" | sudo tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/remotelabz-worker
echo "net.ipv6.route.max_size = 20000" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf