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RemoteLabz's installation guide

This section guides you through the installation of RemoteLabz and its components on an Ubuntu system. We assume you have already installed an Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS. We support only this Ubuntu version.

Installation of the requirements

The first step is to install Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS on

  • only one computer if you want to use the Front and the Worker on the same server
  • one 2 computers if you want to separate your Front and your Worker.

To install both the Front and the Worker on the same device, the minimum requirement is

  • a hard disk of at least 30 Go.
  • 2 Go of RAM
  • 1 CPU

Depend of the number of VMs, containers, and, operating system used, you want to run simultaneously. At the end of the installation, 4 devices will be installed and configured :

  • 3 containers with Debian 11.4, Alpine 3.15, Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS
  • 1 VM Alpine 3.10

The 5th device, called "Migration" is another Alpine to use to configure, at the end of the installation, a 6th container, a DHCP service.

Installation of the front

Retrieve the RemoteLabz Front source

A remotelabz directory will be create on your home directory.

cd ~
git clone --branch master

You have now a directory remotelabz created on your home directory.


If you want to install a specific version, you have to do the following instructions. For version 2.4.1 for example.

git clone --branch 2.4.1 --single-branch
or for development version
git clone --branch dev

Install the requirements

cd remotelabz
sudo ./bin/

After this process, you have to understand the following information :

RabbitMQ and MySQL pre-configurations

The MySQL is configured with the root password : "RemoteLabz-2022$", and a user "user" is created with password "Mysql-Pa33wrd$". It is recommend to change it after your RemoteLabz works fine.


During the process, a remotelabz-amqp user is created in RabbitMQ with the password password-amqp. If you want to change the password of an existing user remotelabz-amqp of your RabbitMQ, you have to type the following command :

sudo rabbitmqctl change_password 'remotelabz-amqp' 'new_password'
For MySQL, to set the root password to new_password
sudo mysql -u root -h localhost
ALTER USER IF EXISTS 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';
The remotelabz default user is user and its password Mysql-Pa33wrd\$. If you want to change to new_password for example, you have to do the following:
ALTER USER IF EXISTS 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';

OpenVPN pre-configuration

The default passphrase used during the process is R3mot3!abz-0penVPN-CA2020. You can find this value in your .env file

If you decide to change it, don't forget to change it in the /opt/remotelabz/.env.local.


The last line push "route" in your /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf must be modified if you modifies, in your .env.local file, the parameters of the two next lines BASE_NETWORK= BASE_NETWORK_NETMASK= This network will be the network used for your laboratory. Your user must have a route on its workstation to join, via his VPN, his laboratory. Be careful, this network must have to be different of the user network at home.


Configure the mail (Exim4)

  1. Configure the /etc/aliases to redirect all mail to root to an existing user of your OS
  2. Check the aliases with the command exim -brw root
  3. Edit the file /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template and locate the part "Rewrite configuration" to have, for example, the following lines :
    #                      REWRITE CONFIGURATION                         #
    begin rewrite
    user@* FfrsTtcb
    root@* FfrsTtcb
  4. Update your exim configuration with command sudo update-exim4.conf, following the command sudo service exim4 restart
  5. Check all addresses are rewritten with the command exim -brw root

Install RemoteLabz application

The install process will create the directory /opt/remotelabz.

While you're in RemoteLabz root directory :

cd ~/remotelabz
sudo ./bin/install
The install process can take 5 minutes


During the installation, some actions is done on the directory permission :

chgrp remotelabz /etc/openvpn/server -R
chmod g+rx /etc/openvpn/server -R

Configure the RemoteLabz database

Run the remotelabz-ctl configuration utility to setup your database :

sudo remotelabz-ctl reconfigure database

Don't forget to edit your /opt/remotelabz/.env.local :


Don't forget to modify the line PUBLIC_ADDRESS="your-url-or-ip-of-your-front"

Generate API keys

At the root of your RemoteLabz directory:

cd /opt/remotelabz
sudo mkdir -p config/jwt
sudo openssl genpkey -out config/jwt/private.pem -aes256 -algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
#Your can use as passphrase "JWTTok3n"
sudo openssl pkey -in config/jwt/private.pem -out config/jwt/public.pem -pubout
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data config/jwt
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data var
# Replace 'yourpassphrase' by your actual passphrase
echo "JWT_PASSPHRASE=\"JWTTok3n\"" | sudo tee -a .env.local


Avoid special character in the JWT, otherwise you will have some errors


In order for the app to work correctly, a key pair is created for JWT. You can find detailed configuration in the LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle doc.

Start the RemoteLabz Front

In order to be able to control instances on the worker, you need to start Symfony Messenger :

sudo systemctl enable remotelabz
sudo systemctl enable remotelabz-proxy
sudo systemctl start remotelabz
sudo systemctl start remotelabz-proxy

You can now test your RemoteLabz front with your internet navigator but you will just make connection until the worker is not installed.


The default credentials are :

  • Username : root@localhost
  • Password : admin

You may change those values by using the web interface.


When consuming messages, a timestamp is used to determine which messages the messenger worker is able to consume. Therefore, each machines needs to be time-synchronized. We recommend you to use a service like ntp to keep your machines synchronized.


Now you have to install RemoteLabz Worker

Installation of the Worker

Retrieve the RemoteLabz Worker source

A remotelabz directory will be create on your home directory.

cd ~
git clone --branch master
A remotelabz-worker directory is created after the previous command.


If you want to install only a specific version, you have to do the following instruction, for version 2.4.1 for example.

git clone --branch 2.4.1 --single-branch
git clone --branch dev

Installation of the RemoteLabz worker application

cd ~/remotelabz-worker
cp .env .env.local

You should modify the ~/remotelabz-worker/.env.local file according to your environment before starting the worker installation.

Next, type

sudo ./install

Configuration of the worker

You have to configure, first, at least, 1 worker, from your front, in the admin menu and the left menu "Worker configuration". When you add a worker on the front, you have to add the following lines

        binding_keys: [Worker_1_IP]
on the messenger.yaml file, in the following part
            async: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%'
                dsn: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%'

If you add another worker, you will have to add,

        binding_keys: [Worker_2_IP]
and so on.

Start your RemoteLabz Worker service

Normally, the service remotelabz-worker is started during the installation phase and it will start automatically when your system boots but if you need to start the service manually :

sudo systemctl start remotelabz-worker


To automatically start the service on boot

sudo systemctl enable remotelabz-worker
To check the status of your service
sudo service remotelabz-worker status

You can check the log of the worker in /opt/remotelabz-worker/var/log/prod.log


When consuming messages, a timestamp is used to determine which messages the messenger worker is able to consume. Therefore, each machines needs to be time-synchronized. We recommend you to use a service like ntp to keep your machines synchronized.

The installation is finish and RemoteLabz application must be works. You have now to change the parameter in the /opt/remotelabz/.env.local to have the following

If you let the value 1, nobody can use the application.

If you have an error 500, do the following :

cd /opt/remotelabz
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data config/jwt
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data var

Configure your RemoteLabz

Add a DHCP Service for your laboratory

In the device list, you will find a device with the name "Migration". This container will be used to configure a new container, called "Service" to provide a DHCP service to your laboratory. Each laboratory has its DHCP service and its network so the RemoteLabz needs to configure this generic container to offer IP on the right network. For each lab, if you add the DHCP service container, it will be configured with the IP : IP_Gateway - 1. For example, if your attributed network is, your gateway will be and you DHCP service container will have the IP .


Add an IP address ip addr add X.X.X.X/M dev eth0

Add the default route ip route add default via X.X.X.X

Next, type the following command :

sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
apt-get update; apt-get -y upgrade; apt-get install -y dnsmasq;
echo "dhcp-range=RANGE_TO_DEFINED" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo "dhcp-option=3,GW_TO_DEFINED" >> /etc/dnsmasq.conf
systemctl stop systemd-resolved
systemctl disable systemd-resolved
systemctl disable systemd-networkd
systemctl enable dnsmasq

The last line (systemctl disable systemd-networkd) is mandatory otherwise your container will not have any IP.

Your "Service" device, which is a container, is now ready. You have to stop the Migration device, click on Export and type, as a New Name : Service and click on the button "Export Device" On your lab, if you add Service device, you will have a DHCP service for all your devices of your lab.

Secure the communication

If you want to secure all communication between the client, the Remotelabz front and the Remotelabz Worker, you have to follow the instruction of page SSL