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Setup local documentation server


You can find a copy of remotelabz local documentation on the following GitHub Page:

You can clone it from there using

git clone

You will need MKdocs to properly host and display these files.Mkdocs converts templates files (.md) into HTML pages.

Mkdocs installation

remotelabz-docs require Python 3, MkDocs and Material for MkDocs.

If you are On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install mkdocs mkdocs-material

Mkdocs commands

In order to display the documentation on a local server (for instance if you need to test before commiting anything), enter these commands. Here an example for the URL address :

To build documentation prior to push :

mkdocs build

mkdocs serve --dev-addr

Code organisation

The file used with all the links are defined in

The other source files are on the /docs Directory

The images files are on the /site/images Directory