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Code Organization


The remotelabz is divided in 4 parts :

  • remotelabz for the frontend
  • remotelabz-worker for the server which execute all VMs, called the backend
  • remotelabz-message-bundle uses by both remotelabz and remotelabz-worker to manage the message exchanged between the frontend and the backend
  • network-bundle uses by both frontend and backend


Web Pages Code

The front's webpages code is on templates directory.

The web page of a lab is on file view.html.twig and the lab is managed by a react component {{ react_component('InstanceManager', {'props': props}) }} defined in assets/js/components/Instances/

PHP Code

For the front server and the worker server, the PHP code is located on /opt/remotelabz/src.

Remotelabz logs are located on /opt/remotelabz/var/log

This Guide

The file used with all the links are defined in

The other source files are on the /docs Directory

The images files are on the /site/images Directory

Code Edition


You can use an editor like Visual Studio Code to edit most of the files


Before editing, ensure you have proper permissions and a backup of the files

To install visual studio according to your system, go to the official download page.

Then double-click on the downloaded file and install it.

Visual studio is supported on Mac,Windows and linux (debian and fedora).

Semantic Versioning

Remotelabz version's name follow the rules of semantic versioning.You can find a complete description at :



Each time you modify Javascript or ReactJS, you need to do a yarn encore dev All JS code is in the asset directory.


Version 16.8 minimum because some script uses Hooks ( All codes are not translate to use Hooks.


This project uses AMQP messaging protocol to handle communication between the host and the worker. amqp-messenger is a library required by symphony to handle this protocol. Recommended version is 5.2.12.


This project is based on Symphony which is a popular MVC framework for PHP.It's sourcefiles are located on /opt/remotelabz/vendor . We recommand version minimum.